Best Ways For the Generation Of Leads From Your Blog

Blogging To Generate Leads: Best Ways For the Generation Of Leads From Your Blog

Have you been thinking about blogging for the purpose of lead generation lately? Or perhaps you are still running your own blog, but it is not assisting you much with the generation of leads?

Anyways, are you desired to make your blog send you a huge amount of leads? It is not an impossible thing for you to achieve.

First of all, you are required to have a better understanding of your audience and what are their pain points. If you create good content that serves as the solution to these pain points takes care of the rest of the things. It opens many ways for you to get your visitors to share their information.

Now, all these things might be making you feel overwhelmed.

But you are not required to be as we have put together, a number of ways how bloggers used to generate leads from their blogs. And firstly, we will explain to you the process of lead generation.

So, today, you will learn:
  • What is the process of Lead Generation?
  • What is a good lead on your blog to visit conversion rate?
  • How did Bloggers use to generate leads?
  • 23 Best ways for the generation of leads from your blog
What is the process of lead generation?

Lead generation has the involvement of getting the most interested and potential customers, which are also known as leads for sharing their contact information with you. This is the way that you can save their crucial information, so you can use them for the conversion later on.

In other words, the process of lead generation is the first step to move customers with the assistance of buying process. Once you have got their contact information, you can take that lead through numerous buying stages. For example, from awareness to interest to take into consideration, and finally taking them to conversion.

What is a good lead on your blog to visit conversion rate?

Many marketing experts are agreed with this thing that a good conversion rate is somewhere around 2% to 5%. But what about the visitors of your website to their lead conversion rate (traffic conversion rate)?

Basically speaking, a good lead-to-visit conversion rate is not defined by hard numbers. The reason behind this is that, in most cases, conversion rates are tied directly with the goals of the business and its strategies. It is still worth mentioning that, for most businesses, visitor-to-lead conversion rates are generally very small.

To serve with more insight, we have asked 23 marketing experts that what is the lead-to-visit conversion rate on their blog, and almost 25% of them have confirmed our expectations when they have given the answer between 1-2%.

How do bloggers use to generate leads?

The short answer to this question is: with their blog posts or content in simple terms.

However, it does not mean that if your lead is reading good content, he will take action himself. Instead, these bloggers are required to take steps to push them for taking action. For example, you are required to encourage them for sharing their contact information, so they will put themselves through the buying procedure.

So, what are these ways for pushing your leads to share their crucial information? Bloggers used to employ a huge range of tactics that are ranging of compelling calls to action (CTAs) in their blog posts, which facilitates the upgraded content and other freebies, installation of lead magnets by making use of interactive content, hosting giveaways, and so on.

All of these are some ways for making your leads share their information. But you are required to remember that they are all based on serving with helpful and high- quality content. It means bloggers are firstly required to serve with good content, and then secondly generate leads.

23 Best ways for the generation of leads from your blog

Are you wondering how other bloggers are generating leads from their own blogs? Here is a brief look at all the tactics that our expert respondents have shared with us:

  • Creation of valuable lead magnets
  • Write on unique topics
  • Creation of helpful content
  • Creation of content for each stage of the funnel
  • Offer exclusively, gated content
  • Make efforts to learn more about your potential audience from your sales team
  • Serve with content upgrades
  • Don't be overlay narrow with the keywords you are making use of
  • Make use of a chat widget for the generation of leads
  • Make use of a hello bar on your blog
  • Make use of enticing options
  • Always remember to make use of call to action (CTA)
  • Make use of interactive content
  • Have a better understanding of the intent behind the search of your audience
  • Make use of the right keywords
  • Add a lead form to your blog posts
  • Share the content of your blog on social media
  • Host surveys and giveaways
  • Make use of Quora for growing your blog audience
  • Creation of a comprehensive resource and heavy promotion of it
  • Addition of pop-ups strategically for your blog
  • Retargetting of traffic
  • Integration of useful tools in your content